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Ny video-teaser fra Men In Black: Alien Crisis

Skrevet af AND - 08-05-2012 08:57

En ny teaser-trailer fra det kommende Nintendo Wii-spil: Men In Black: Alien Crisis. Spillet er et action-adventure spil ,der bygger på den tredje Men In Black-film af samme navn, med Tommy Lee Jones og Will Smith i hovedrollerne.

Den nye teaser-trailer lægger i al sin enkelthed op til, af fans af serien kan benytte Facebook til at generere flere informationer om det kommende spil. Teaseren i sig selv er dog ikke særligt afslørende, så hvis man ønsker at de billeder fra selve spillet, kan man følge linket her: Screenshots på

Spillet udkommer i øvrigt d. 22. maj, så der er ikke længe til at det kan erhverves, hvis man kan lide hvad man ser.

1ups givet


#1 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

08-05-2012 09:58

Eftersom dette er den første nyhed om dette spil på N-club, synes jeg godt den kan tåle lidt mere info:

Minneapolis, MN – April 4, 2012 – In anticipation of the release of the motion picture Men in Black™ 3, in 3D in theaters May 25, 2012, Activision today announced that the videogame Men In Black: Alien Crisis™ will hit shelves in North America on May 22 for the PlayStation®3 system with PlayStation®Move support, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the Wii™ system from Nintendo. To maximize ultimate agent gameplay, all versions of the game are compatible with the Top Shot Elite peripheral, the PlayStation®3 version is also compatible with the PlayStation®Move sharp shooter and the Wii version with the Wii Zapper™.

In Men In Black: Alien Crisis, players take on the role as Peter Delacoeur, a MIB Agent in training, assigned to unearth enemy aliens who are planning to destroy planet Earth. With hidden surveillance and stealthy guards on the prowl, players must ambush confidential alien intelligence and stop all alien attacks. Men In Black: Alien Crisis brings exciting, realistic MIB Agent movements as players shoot, and dodge their way through action-packed levels to escape fierce alien assaults. Additionally, all platforms feature two-player split-screen gameplay and four-person “hot-seat” competitive action for awesome friends and family involvement.

To create a completely authentic Men in Black world and tone, Activision aligned with Jeff Gomez and Mark S. Pensavalle’s Starlight Runner Entertainment, Inc. to create the story and script of the upcoming videogame. Starlight Runner, a leading creator and producer of highly successful transmedia franchises, was selected by Sony Pictures to work in concert with the filmmakers to provide a single voice to the Men in Black universe with the upcoming film and related properties.

Men In Black: Alien Crisis will be available May 22 for PlayStation®3 system with PlayStation®Move support, Xbox 360, and Wii. This game is rated T for Teen by the ESRB. For more information on the game, please visit

1ups givet

#2 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

08-05-2012 11:08

Feeeedt, mand - thumbs (1-)up Smiley
1ups givet

#3 - Super Mario (Nex)

Level: 14 (Inkling)

08-05-2012 18:02

lol det er nok ikke lige en af de titler jeg skriver ind i kalenderen, men det lyder da interessant nok Smiley
1ups givet

#4 - 0

Level: 23 (Skree)

08-05-2012 20:44

Gider ikke spille det, men den nye film skal helt klart ses. Bare ikke i 3D.
1ups givet

#5 - Oni Nick

Level: 26 (Octopi)

08-05-2012 20:49

Jeg er absolut heller ikke fan af 3D i mine film. Det føles bare ikke godt at se på.
1ups givet

#6 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

08-05-2012 21:20

Nej, altså - det fungerede jo ok. i Avatar, men den var også lidt speciel, fordi den var så visuel (forstå mig ret). Siden har 3D virket som et mode-gimmick, som slet ikke har gjort oplevelsen af en given film bedre, desværre.
1ups givet

#7 - 0

Level: 23 (Skree)

08-05-2012 22:00

Jeg kan bedst lide 3D i animationsfilm eller tegnefilm. Derfor er Toy Story trilogien og Løvernes Konge de eneste jeg har på 3D Blu-ray. Synes ikke almindelige film ser ligeså godt ud :/
1ups givet

#8 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

09-05-2012 21:11

Den første trailer er ankommet:

1ups givet

#9 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

18-05-2012 09:17

Synes ikke de første training-videoer ser helt ringe ud:

Hvad siger I?
1ups givet

#10 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

22-05-2012 07:40

Traning Video 3:

1ups givet

#11 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

23-05-2012 07:43

Så ser man lige den første reelle gameplay-video fra Wii-versionen, og pludselig ser det overhovedet ikke godt ud længere:

1ups givet

#12 - Ebbebom

Level: 6 (Cucco)

24-05-2012 15:40

Ville spille det.
1ups givet